Containerized desktop applications with podman
Everybody is talking about containers these days, however most of the discussion revolves around use cases in the context of server applications. Today I’d like to discuss a maybe slightly unusual, but nonetheless interesting use case for containers: running Linux desktop applications within a container with otherwise unchanged look & feel. To add some spice to the mix, I will explain this at the example of podman (I could equally well have chosen docker, but I like true open source software).
The SUSECON 2019 Session Catalog is Now Live!
With over 150 sessions and 12 certification exams to choose from, create your own experience, learn about the topics most important to you, and get the certifications you need. Spots are limited per session, so be sure to grab your seat now.
It’s time you think about upgrading, from SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 to 5.5
SUSE Enterprise Storage 5.5 has been available since October 2, 2018. Many of our customers have migrated to the new release and many are evaluating it. If you’re currently running SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 you really need to start thinking about upgrading. There were many new features added and improvements made in release 5.5. Upgrading will also prepare you for future releases.
SUSE Leftovers