Digest of YaST Development Sprint 122
If something is not broken, do not fix it. Following that principle, the YaST Team spent almost no time on the latest sprint working on SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3 or openSUSE Leap 15.3. But that doesn’t mean we remained idle. Quite the opposite, we invested our time reorganizing some of the YaST internals.
CPU Isolation – Housekeeping and tradeoffs – by SUSE Labs (part 4) [Ed: "SUSE Labs" = marketing. There are no "labs". Like so-called Microsoft 'research' (Muppet Labs).]
This blog post is the fourth in a technical series by SUSE Labs team exploring Kernel CPU Isolation along with one of its core components: Full Dynticks (or Nohz Full).
Honda Pakistan joins SUSE and IBM to deliver enhanced customer experience and improve business agility [Ed: IBM and SUSE attack the creator of the GNU/Linux operating system (slander to accomplish their goals) while basically shilling proprietary software]
Linux Premium Certification As SAP Endorsed App [Ed: SUSE continues acting like little but a Microsoft/SAP reseller]
SUSE: YaST Development Sprint, 'Labs', and Proprietary Software PR