How to improve your LinkedIn profile [Ed: Red Hat is boosting Microsoft's proprietary software and surveillance]
Windows Defender bug fills Windows 10 boot drive with thousands of files [Ed: Proprietary software is junk and even Microsoft boosters like Lawrence Abrams can see what a piece of garbage Vista 10 really is]
A Windows Defender bug creates thousands of small files that waste gigabytes of storage space on Windows 10 hard drives.
The Future of Edge Computing is Written in the Stars
How often have you looked at the amazing tapestry of light we see in the stars? It’s really quite amazing – tiny points of light numbering in the billions, the vast majority of which we can barely see, each generating and sending us a wealth of data. What I find most amazing is that with the right instrumentation, these tiny points of light give us immensely valuable insights into the state and operations of our universe.
sapconf 5.0.2 – Now with check tool…
I admit, that the title sounds a bit like a commercial and maybe in a way it is.
All supported Service Packs have received the latest sapconf package (5.0.2).Insight. Innovation. Inspiration. JOIN SUSE at SAP SAPPHIRE NOW [Ed: Same day SUSE was promoting Microsoft proprietary software it also did not fewer than two SAP puff pieces; SUSE blog yesterday: Microsoft, SAP, SAP, SAP.]
SUSE welcome SAP at SUSECON [Ed: SUSE seems to exist for little purpose other than proprietary software reselling]
Red Hat, SUSE, and Proprietary Software Pushers