The past week produced two openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots and both included a lot of updates for users of KDE.
Plasma, Gear and Frameworks weren’t the only packages to update in the snapshots.
Snapshot 20211019 offered quite a bit of updated packages. Remote access package remmina 1.4.21 provided updates for the GNOME 40 runtime and made some backward compatibility with WebKit versions under 2.32.0. The refreshable braille display package brltty updated to version 6.4 and made sysusers.d a new package while also removing some old SUSE RPM constructs. The PDF rendering library poppler 21.10.0 fixed the rendering of some odd splash patterns and added support for setting custom stamp annotations. Mesa 21.2.4 had several fixes and rolled out patches for both PowerPC and LLVM i386 compiling. A package to get a major update in the snapshot was rdma-core 37.1, which focuses on userspace components for the Linux Kernel’s drivers/infiniband subsystem; this new major version fixed cmake flags to correct paths for pkg-config. KDE’s 5.87.0 Frameworks version had an enormous amount of updated packages in the snapshot. Among the updates was the removal of defunct Python and Ruby script engines with Plasma Framework. The 5.87.0 Breeze Icons package added 22px variants of the preferences icons and the same version of the UI framework package Kirigami fixed Breadcrumb Control on mobile when using layers.