Ritchie-CLI Becomes Official, Mesa, bind Update in Tumbleweed - openSUSE News
While the rolling release snapped its streak of continuous daily snapshots, Tumbleweed persists releasing numerous snapshots; in total, five have been released so far this week.
The last snapshot, 20211207, updated one package that gamers will appreciate. The computer opponent for the board game Blokus was updated with the release of pentobi 19.1. The bug fixing update provided a work around for a crash that happened during an exit in some situations. The package also avoids a warning with Qt 6 caused by a deprecated signal-handler syntax.
Snapshot 20211206 updated the 3D graphics package Mesa to version 21.3.1. The updated provided mostly AMD, Intel and Zink fixes. The package also added a work around to fix a segfault with the first-person shooter video game Metro Exodus, which announced availability with Linux in April 2021. The highly portable implementation of the Domain Name System protocol bind 9.16.23 fixed CVE-2021-25219 by disabling the lame server cache that would have allowed an attacker to significantly degrade resolver performance. There were some patches removed in the blog 2.26 update. Font rendering package freetype2 2.11.1 improved cmake support and updated the latest experimental COLRv1 Application Programming Interface to OpenType standard 1.9. Another rendering package poppler, which is for pdfs, updated to version 21.12.0 and added a few APIs; one to read/save to file descriptor; one to add images; and one to validate signatures. Many incremental improvements and bug fixes were made in the libvirt 7.10.0 update and a new feature is a binary that helps users figure out the format of Distinguished Name from a certificate file the way it expects in the tls_allowed_dn_list option of the libvirtd.conf configuration file. The userspace components for the Linux Kernel’s drivers and infiniband subsystem package rdma-core 38.0 was the only major version update in the snapshot; it updated kernel headers stddef.h. Other packages to update in the snapshot were gc 8.2.0, kImageAnnotator 0.5.3, strace 5.15 and more.
openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the week 2021/49 – Dominique a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*)
Unfortunately, we could not keep up the daily streak of snapshots during this week. We ‘only’ managed to push out 6 snapshots. Over the last weekend, we had an openQA-worker causing some troubles, which resulted in not sufficient throughput to get anything ready to publish. But 6 snapshots is still acceptable, isn’t it? Anyway, we had the following releases: 1202, 1203, 1205, 1206, 1207, and 1208.
Update in OpenSUSE/Tumbleweed