Unfortunately, I missed writing up the weekly review last week, so I am spanning once again two weeks here. And Tumbleweed has been so stable for the last weeks, even the snapshot count shows this. For example, in the period from snapshot 1116 to 1222, only a total of three snapshots were not released (1204, opneQA issues, and 1216 & 1217 due to a new pango version having an impact on the rendering, which required a lot of needles to be created, which we could not do in time before the next snapshots reached QA). looking only at the time since my last weekly review, we have published 12 snapshots (1209..1215 & 1218..1222). Despite the holiday season, there seem still to be ample changes incoming (but it is getting less, as the look at the Staging dashboard reveals at the moment).