SUSE Rancher for IBM Z and LinuxONE is available!
Today, SUSE has added IBM Z and LinuxONE support for several SUSE Rancher products – Rancher Manager, RKE2, K3s and Longhorn. Read on if you would like a little more information about each of these products.
Rancher Manager is undoubtedly the most important product. With Rancher Manager it is easy to run Kubernetes everywhere. Learning how to manage Kubernetes can be difficult. The Rancher Manager web UI makes centrally managing multiple Kubernetes clusters much easier than having to use the command line to manage each Kubernetes cluster separately. Rancher Manager 2.6.4 includes support to manage any CNCF-certified s390x Kubernetes cluster which includes RKE2 and K3s. s390x is the architecture designation for IBM Z and LinuxONE servers. The validated features for the initial s390x support in Rancher Manager include Rancher Server, Rancher Agent, Kubernetes Fleet operations, Helm chart catalog and backup/restore operations. As newer Rancher Manager versions are released, monitoring, logging alerting and CIS scans for s390x Kubernetes deployments will be added.
Case files of a TSE: How do you repair and rpm database? Very, very carefully.
This is an article which is part of a series that attempts to showcase the kind of work that SUSE Support does and how we help customers resolve issues they encounter when running SUSE products. The cases that are selected will be based on real cases. However, all details will be fully anonymized and stripped of identifying marks.
Some problems are very hard to identify, but the steps to solve that issue are quite simple. Other problems are relatively easy to identify, but are not trivial to solve. I will share a problem that seems quite simple on the surface, but there are many complexities to take care of.
SUSE partners with Close the Gap to reduce its carbon footprint while bridging the digital divide [Ed: SUSE already has a green logo; now it does greenwashing]
Today, everything is digitally connected—from gaming, banking, education, and job searching, to socializing with your friends and family. While access to technology and the internet has become abundant in the developed world, a significant portion of the world’s population still does not have this same freedom to access. At the same time, global warming and environmental issues persist.
New SUSE eLearning “Gold Level” Subscription with Live Labs – Where You Can Do It All | SUSE Communities
The subscription includes over 130 hours of technical training content covering SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, SUSE Manager and SUSE Rancher. With an annual subscription, you’ll also stay up to date with the latest product releases from SUSE.
SUSE Leftovers