SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 for Raspberry Pi: An intriguing option for...
SUSE announced recently that it managed to take its enterprise-grade platform, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and marry it with the Raspberry Pi. Fancy that—a platform created to support massive...
View ArticleGeckoLinux Rolling Editions Now Based on the Latest openSUSE Tumbleweed Snapshot
After announcing last week the release of the GeckoLinux Static 422.161213 Editions based on openSUSE Leap 42.2, the developers of the openSUSE-based distribution launched today new respins of the...
View ArticleGeckoLinux "Rolling" and "Static" editions updated
The Rolling spins of GeckoLinux have been updated to a newer openSUSE Tumbleweed base system, together with some configuration improvements. Additionally, the GeckoLinux Static spins have also been...
View ArticleWill SUSE Bring SBCs to Datacenters?
Is the Raspberry Pi destined to be coming to your datacenter? If not the Pi, then something like it -- maybe Arduino or a single board computer we haven't seen yet, perhaps developed by one of the...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi: Hands on with SuSE and openSuSE Linux
At the end of November, the Raspberry Pi Blog announced the availability of SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) for the Raspberry Pi 3. As Eben Upton said at that time, this was a big deal for two...
View ArticleSUSE and Red Hat
OpenSUSE Tablet Project Fails, Less Than $7k In Orders With the Talos Secure Workstation not set to hit its goal, I was curious this morning about how the MJ Technology's openSUSE-powered "First True...
View ArticleMesa, Kernel, Wireshark update in Tumbleweed Snapshots
There were plenty of Tumbleweed snapshots leading up to the holiday season and openSUSE’s rolling release is gliding into 2017 with several new packages on the horizon.The last snapshot of 2016,...
View ArticleContainers Rising
SUSE Formalizes Container Strategy with a New Linux Distro, MicroOSArguably, CoreOS Linux could be called the first Linux-based operating system designed for cluster computing,...
View ArticleSUSE Formalizes Container Strategy with a New Linux Distro, MicroOS
Arguably, CoreOS Linux could be called the first Linux-based operating system designed for cluster computing, containers/microservices. Even if CoreOS Linux (since renamed “Container Linux“) had its...
View ArticleMicrosoft Windows Runs Under Windows
openSUSE Linux Arrives On Windows 10Sr. Product Manager SUSE Linux Enterprise SUSE, Hannes Kühnemund, has written a blog post and described how to run openSUSE Leap 42.2 and SUSE Linux Enterprise...
View ArticleSUSE and Microsoft E.E.E.
openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the Week 2017/02I hope you all ended up well fed and healthy in the new year. For the last few weeks we have seen quite a slow pace for Tumbleweed, just as pre-announced...
View ArticleOpenSUSE and Fedora Elections
Michal Hrušecký: Running for re-electionAs you might have noticed, I’m running for re-election. I served my first term as openSUSE Board member, learned a lot and I think I could represent you well for...
View ArticleopenSUSE Tumbleweed Gets XOrg Server 1.19 & Irssi 1.0, PulseAudio 10 Coming Soon
openSUSE Project's Douglas DeMaio is informing the Tumbleweed community today, January 18, 2017, about the latest software updates and other improvements delivered by a total of two snapshots released...
View ArticleopenSUSE Package Management Cheat Sheet
Debian/Ubuntu have long been my primary Linux distributions, although like all good Linux users I have used Fedora, CentOS, Gentoo, Red Hat, Slackware, Arch Linux, Mageia, and other Linux...
View ArticleSUSE Leftovers
openSUSE 13.2 GNU/Linux OS Reached End of Life, Upgrade to openSUSE Leap 42.2If, for some reason, you are still using the openSUSE 13.2 operating system on your personal computer or server, you should...
View ArticleSUSE Leftovers
New Package in Tumbleweed Enhances Rolling UpdatesSnapshots of openSUSE Tumbleweed are becoming more frequent once again and a new package in the rolling release should make the handling of updates...
View ArticleopenSUSE Tumbleweed News
openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the Week 2017/03 & 04As I did not publish an update last week, we have to span two weeks now. A lot has happened, many of those things are already shipped to you or...
View ArticleHands-On: KaOS Linux and openSUSE Leap 42 on my new notebook
In the previous three posts about this ASUS notebook, I have configured Windows 10 Home, installed openSUSE Tumbleweed, Manjaro and Debian GNU/Linux, and installed Fedora, Linux Mint and Ubuntu.This...
View ArticleGeckoLinux Plasma: for Die Hard OpenSuSE fans
GeckoLinux is a difficult thingie to understand. It was created to ease the life of people who want to explore OpenSuSE. Neither OpenSuSE nor GeckoLinux are actually easy distributions to deal with....
View ArticleAn Everyday Linux User Review Of OpenSUSE Leap 42
So here is the deal. If as the Everyday Linux User you are going to use openSUSE then you have to stick with it and in reality it should be the only operating system on your machine. Trying to dual...
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