Ean Schuessler & Debian SPI OSI trademark disputes
Many people had put time and effort into creating Debian, the SPI structure, raising funds and generally creating goodwill towards these trademarks...
View Article20-year-old Linux workaround is still slowing down AMD systems
AMD has come a long way since 2002, but the Linux kernel still treats modern Threadrippers like Athlon-era systems—at least in one potentially lag-inducing respect...
View ArticleReview: openSUSE's MicroOS
MicroOS has some appealing ideas, like snapshots, a read-only root filesystem, and roles we can select at install time
View ArticleThe Wine development release 7.18 is now available.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people
View ArticleManage Linux Chroot Environments Easily With Atoms GUI Tool (UPDATED)
Chroot has its perks, which is why it is a convenient way to test things for various users (especially system administrators)
View ArticleOh No! There Won't Be A Pop OS 22.10 Release
Pop OS 22.10 release won't be available in October 2022
View ArticleCRUX 3.7 Released
CRUX 3.7 comes with a multilib toolchain which includes glibc 2.36, gcc 12.2.0 and binutils 2.39
View ArticleMigrate to Fedora from Ubuntu [Essential Beginner's Guide]
Here's a quick model on how to migrate to Fedora from the Ubuntu desktop, for good & save yourself from "snap drama".
View ArticleHow to Enable SSH Service in Rescue Mode on CentOS/RockyLinux/AlmaLinux
This guide will not be helpful at the moment, but make sure to bookmark this article to enable ssh service in rescue mode to take a backup of your system, configuration, and generate an SOS report, etc.
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